Fix use command line typora when does not exists.
Fix cursor when typing inside styled links.
Fix selection range after insert image.
Linux (64bit) deb Linux (64bit) tar Linux (ARM) deb Linux (ARM) tar
Fix Fuzzy search on quick open panel (macOS)ġ.5.10 macOS dmg Windows (64bit) exe Windows (32bit) exe Windows (ARM) exe.
Typora now allow users to escape : mark to avoid input unwanted emoji codes.
math block is always auto numbered in exported docx and related setting is ignored.
tasks status cannot be changed from menu bar when task list is under nested lists.
setting inline mermaid configs may also affect other mermaid blocks.
color of typic package not readable in dark themes.
using keyword sometimes causes node not rendered in Mermaid diagram.
Avoid using google font mirrors in exported HTML, now official google font CDN is used.
Support Timeline for MermaidJS diagrams.
Add options to auto apply last used code language when inserting code blocks.
Add options to set default code language when inserting code blocks.
Add options to control behavior when drop file or folder into Typora.
Add options to set default file extension.
Add "Files" section and retune Preferences Panel.
The Windows version no longer support Windows 7, 8, 8.1.
Linux (64bit) deb Linux (64bit) tar Linux (ARM) deb Linux (ARM) tar Breaking Changes macOS dmg Windows (64bit) exe Windows (32bit) exe Windows (ARM) exe